Wednesday, May 29

Notification: Victoria Cross: May 29, 1855, in the Sea of Azov, first o... @ Wed 29 May 2024 12:30 - 13:30 (EEST) (On This Day)

Victoria Cross: May 29, 1855, in the Sea of Azov, first of two citations for Lieutenant Cecil William Buckley of HMS Miranda, and single citation each for Lieutenant Hugh Talbot Burgoyne of HMS Swallow and Gunner John Robarts of HMS Ardent. The three "volunteered to land at a beach where the Russian army were in strength. They were out of covering gunshot range of the ships offshore and met considerable enemy opposition, but managed to set fire to corn stores and ammunition dumps and destroy enemy equipment"
You have been invited by George W Muir to attend an event named Victoria Cross: May 29, 1855, in the Sea of Azov, first of two citations for Lieutenant Cecil William Buckley of HMS Miranda, and single

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